About me
Sun Microsystems
My Learning - Sun Microsystems
Corporate learning management system UI
For the Social Learning Development department, I prototyped the interface of a corporate platform for knowledge exchange within the company.
Key interface tasks:
Provide users with summary reporting and system capabilities through a dashboard.
Ability to view the list of courses.
Launching a course and tracking training progress.
Course catalog with filters and search functionality.
Ability to create and edit a learning plan.
Quick access to additional materials, books, articles.
Page with a list of current courses and user progress status.
Course description in the user's personal account.
Search results page in the system.
Course page and learning plan.
Other projects
Personik chat bot mobile application
Personik chat bot mobile application
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Fire alarm system management & monitoring panel
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Document Management System UI
Phone directory for municipal and state officials in St. Petersburg UI
Web UI for Jambok - knowledge management system for enterprises